こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 13「絵師」
こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 13 (2022/8/14 配信全文)
Hello Everyone. I’m Megumi.How are you going? This Podcast telles you “simple Japanese conversation” and meaning of their. There are quiz-style format.Please listen to this Podcast!
みなさんこんにちは、めぐみです。いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 このpodcastでは、簡単な日本語会話とその意味をクイズ形式でお伝えしています。ぜひ聴いてみてくださいね!
Here's today's quiz!
Which is the correct English translation of ”絵師” ?
①fan artist
②official artist
Correct answer is NO.1” Did you right?
In Japan, people who draw pictures that fans imitate from the Original, so-called Dojin artist, are not often referred to as illustrators.People who create the Original are often referred to by terms such as 'illustrator' or 'cartoonist'.Instead, the term ‘絵師’ is used to describe Doujin Artists. Incidentally, people who create fan fiction in novels are referred to as ‘字書き’.
日本では原作の絵を模倣して絵を描く人たち、いわゆる同人作家のことをイラストレーターとはあまり言いません。一次創作する人たちのことを、「イラストレーター」や「漫画家」などの言葉でしめす場合が多いです。 その代わりに、同人絵描きのことは「絵師」という言葉で表します。ちなみに、小説で二次創作する人たちは「字書き」(JIKAKI)と言われます。
This may be due to the fact that in Japan, Doujin activites are considered a grey zone, an inherently less desirable practice, and therefore express a feeling of making a strong "not original" distinction. Doujin writers also describe this as ‘公式からのお目溢し’.
Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!