こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 14「"は"と"が"」


Here's a rough breakdown. Of course it varies from person to person ,so it's hard to say.But it does serve as a reference.

こんなときのにほんご.シーズン2 14 (2022/8/20配信)

Hello Everyone. I’m Megumi.How are you going? This Podcast telles you “simple Japanese conversation” and meaning of their. There are quiz-style format.Please listen to this Podcast! 



Today I have a grammatical quiz. 

However, the quiz I give on the podcast is definitely not for people who answer incorrectly! That's not to say that they are not! It is only to the extent that native Japanese people feel uncomfortable when they hear it, so don't think too much about it. 




Well, here's today's quiz! 

Which is more Japanese? 





Correct answer is No.1. 


 “は” may have a comparative meaning. In this case, the sentence is based on the expectation or wish that tomorrow will be a better day (compared to today).It is uncomfortable in sentences where 'ga' is used, which does not have that meaning. 

「は」は、比較の意味をもつ場合があります。 この場合、「今日と比べて明日はもっと良い日になる」という予想や願望を文章にしているために、その意味を持たない「が」が使われる文章では違和感があります。 

Probably not many native speakers can answer why No.1 is correct. ‘は’ and ‘が’ are both a type of 'particle' with the meaning of marking the subject. It is said that you don't need to worry too much about which one to use, as it often doesn't matter which one you use, but it is good to know and you can refer to it, even vaguely. 

おそらく、ネイティブでも「どうして①が正しいのか」理由を答えられる人はあまりいないのではないでしょうか。 「は」と「が」はどちらも主語をマークする意味を持つ「助詞」の一種です。どちらを使ってもよいことが多いのでそれほど気にする必要はない、と言われるのですが、知っておいて損はないので、なんとなく参考にしてみてくださいね。 


That's all for today. I’ll be closed next week, see you the week after. 

Thank you for listening. Bye!


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