こんなときのにほんごシーズン2-75 (2024/1/7配信)
Happy New Year! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast this year too. Let's keep up your Japanese language studies. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!
みなさんあけましておめでとうございます、めぐみです。今年もポッドキャストを聴きに来てくださってありがとうございます。引き続き勉強をがんばっていきましょう! このポッドキャストでは、咄嗟の一言を日本語で言おう!をテーマにお送りしています。ぜひ聞いていってくださいね。
An earthquake has recently struck in Ishikawa, Japan, causing extensive damage.
We sincerely hope that everyone is safe and that the days of peace and security will return soon.
Then, what language is appropriate to use in a case like this? Think of a word to fill in the blanks.
このようなとき、どんな言葉を使うのが適切でしょうか。 空欄を埋める単語を考えてください。
心より[ _______ ]申し上げます。
The answer is "お見舞い".
This means 'to be concerned about someone and to comfort them sincerely'. For example, going to a hospital to visit someone who has been hospitalised is also called "おみまいにいく".
There are many standardised phrases to express concern, so learning phrases may be an option.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!